8.4.4 Curriculum

Providing a holistic education that caters for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of children.

With CBC, a learner’s academic performance is measured over time, as they continue learning.

  • There are two types of assessments;
  • Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) done in Grade 6 counts for 40% of the total grade.
  • School-Based Assessment which takes up 60% of the total grade Assessments are quantified by Expectation Level, under 4 levels:
    1. Exceeding Expectations (EE) where the learner correctly performs or completes all activities as expected in each learning area.
    2. Meeting Expectations (ME) where the learner correctly follows instructions; they properly perform tasks and complete most activities in each learning area.
    3. Approaching Expectations (AE) where the learner attempts to follow instructions but is inconsistent with completing tasks or activities in the different learning areas. 
    4. Below Expectation (BE) where a learner is observed to have major inaccuracies or inability to complete tasks as instructed by the teacher

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